Adding the content blocks

This next part is where you start to add content to your page. You can add text, files, images, diary/blog entries, CV information, embed social media, links - the list is endless! 

Click on the arrows to see video guides on how to add certain blocks to your page. The ones in this section cover the basic blocks such as files, text and images.

Recipes for pages

A collection of pages has been created to give you an idea of what pages you can create, and how to build them.

> View page recipes

Add text box

Text boxes are useful for all sorts of this from adding text to your page, to embedding code from external sources.

Add text to a page from myPortfolio (Solent) on Vimeo.

Add an image

Add an image gallery

Add files

Add a folder of files

Embed a PDF

Add a Journal

Add external content

Add your Open Badges

Open Badges can be gained from various places and for many reasons. Your badges can be stored in your Mozilla Backpack, then displayed in your myPortfolio page.

> See more about Open Badges and Mozilla by going to


Share your open badges from myPortfolio (Solent) on Vimeo.

Add 'My Learning' results

Once you've filled out your questionnaires you will need to display the results. The video below will help you:

Adding your 'My Learning' results to a page from myPortfolio (Solent) on Vimeo.