
On this Portfolio Page you will need to upload the Central Evidence Documents that you complete. Your Practice Educator, Tutor and the Practice Learning Coordinator will be able to view these online - and add additional feedback where necessary/appropriate.

NB: Be ever-vigilant regarding the confidentiality of information - failure to abide with the confidentiality rules can constitute a fail when your portfolio is assessed.

Practice Educators will complete feedback within the CED documents that you will then upload here - however, for generic comments etc... they will be able to use the feedback button below.

Tutors and the Practice Learning Coordinator may also use the feedback button during your placements, so do keep a close eye on this page.


The development of the student’s placement portfolio is designed to be flexible: enabling the capture of evidence across a range of activity; within a diverse range of placement environments and with a diverse range of service user groups.

 Given this flexibility, students are able to focus upon the practice tasks within their placement context and present “actual” practice evidence within their “central evidence document”. This evidence must be presented with due regard to the confidentiality of service users, colleagues, practitioners and the placement agency. 

When selecting evidence for these documents – please take care to consider the PCF.  This will be a key focus for the assessment of the student’s performance and relevant, holistic evidence must be provided within the portfolio.

 Please continue to build your evidence documents over the course of your placement. This will build to a total of 7 documents, 1 reflection upon your Induction, 6 self-selected CEDs and the final reflective essay.

Reflection upon Induction

The first formal item in the Central Evidence Document is a brief piece of reflective writing (4-600 words) detailing the student’s learning from the induction and ongoing development needs.

You can present this as a singular Word Document or using the same format as the formal, self-directed CEDs.

Please Upload this document here.



Central Evidence Documents

Please upload your Formal Central Evidence Documents here - don't forget that the document title should be the CED number (and uploaded in order)

Level 5 Students: This will amount to a total of 6 files in this section. (Numbered 1-6)

Final Evidence Item

Feedback-Related Reflective essay (2000 Words)

All students will include a formal reflective essay reviewing their learning throughout the placement and their response to feedback regarding their practice.

This essay will be formally constructed with formal reference to the legislation, theory and social work methods that have informed their practice development throughout the placement. This should also highlight the inter-professional context of their practice throughout the placement.

This essay must make reference to feedback from one or more of their: placement team, colleagues within the placement agency, other professionals engaged within their placement experience and/or service user feedback where appropriate. The application of this feedback should culminate in an identified plan for continued professional development within the student’s next (Level 6) placement.

Remember: You must complete this essay and send it to your Practice Educator before the end of your last placement day. If not, your Practice Educator will not be able to refer to it in the formulation of their final report. This will be reflected in the final grade that will be awarded.